Exploring ceramics fountain

Exploring ceramics fountain
Date: 01/09/2023 05:07 PM

    What is a Ceramic Fountain?

    A ceramic fountain is a decorative item designed in the form of a fountain, combined with miniature landscapes, fish tanks, rock gardens, etc., aiming to recreate lively and magnificent natural scenes within living spaces.

    The Meaning of eramic Fountains.

    According to Feng Shui experts, ceramic fountains hold a substantial role as they accumulate positive energy, bringing wealth, luck, and prosperity to the homeowner. In the realm of spiritual life, water is also a symbol of tranquility and serenity.

    Water is regarded as a symbol of prosperity, abundance, and the essence of life. Therefore, beyond its aesthetic value, a ceramic fountain carries positive Feng Shui qualities, aiding the activation of a continuous flow of positive energy that enhances the wealth and vitality of the household.

    How to Arrange a Ceramic Fountain for Positive Energy Attraction

    The arrangement of a Feng Shui ceramic fountain is highly crucial, as each direction of placement brings forth different Feng Shui effects:

    East: This direction symbolizes health. Therefore, if the homeowner seeks good health and a warm family atmosphere, placing the ceramic fountain towards the East is recommended. According to Feng Shui principles, the East corresponds to the Wood element, so combining the fountain with plants creates the best life force for the household.

    Southeast: The Southeast direction symbolizes wealth and prosperity. Therefore, those seeking to enhance their financial luck should place the ceramic fountain in the Southeast direction to maximize its Feng Shui effects. In the Five Elements, Southeast corresponds to the Wood element, so when arranging, combining it with plants brings harmony to Feng Shui elements.

    North: This direction symbolizes career. Those aspiring for career success and advancement should place the ceramic fountain in the North direction for favorable Feng Shui effects.

    Additionally, individuals should refrain from positioning a Feng Shui ceramic fountain in the South direction. The South direction is associated with the Fire element, which can not only impact the household's prosperity but also lead to conflicts and disadvantages in one's career path.


    To explore various ceramic fountain designs, you can visit https://art-home.vn/fountain. Art-home currently offers multiple discount programs for customers interested in experiencing these products. Furthermore, if you need more information about other ceramic items, please don't hesitate to contact Art-home via:


    Showroom: No. 141 Dong Ba Area, Binh Duong Avenue, Binh Hoa Ward, Thuan An City, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam.

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